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Day 64 - An admission

Alyssa Drake

I went into tonight with the explicit goal of completing the Devoured revision, which has carried into day two. I should have finished this yesterday, and it annoys me that I'm spending a second day on edits. It also concerns me, because the deadline to get this collection to my editor is rapidly approaching, and I haven't written Reflected yet.

And here is that moment when you have to admit to yourself that your current abilities do not match your goals. I made the difficult decision to remove Reflected from this collection and slot it for a future story in the Firefly Island world. That leaves two options for the story. I can leave it as is and include it in my next horror collection (although I have no plans for one yet), or I can tweak it and transform this story into the revelation of the third coven queen.

I prefer the second option, and since the coven I would be focused on in this story is the darkest of the four, sacrificing Megan to reveal the queen's hiding place fits both plot lines. Plus, I may already have a cover.

After completing Devoured, I shut down my laptop with an overwhelming sense of melancholy; sadness at the loss of Reflected (whose title has been changed to fit its new direction).

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