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Day 54 - A call from beyond

Alyssa Drake

According to my calendar, today is the day I originally planned to release this paranormal horror collection, so I'd estimate I'm roughly two months behind on my plans, but I still have hope that I can catch up, and that's what I'm going to do.

Diving into Scorched today was like meeting up with an old friend. I adore paranormal horror, and this time of year always puts me in the mood for something a little scary (or something that makes your brain go... "wait, what just happened?").

The idea for this tale came from a discussion about funerals. A previous neighbor of mine buried her husband with his cell phone. Periodically she would call it to hear his voice on the voicemail recording. That turned into the twisted thought of, "How would she react if he answered?"

Ta-da! Story.

WARNING: Don't get too attached to my characters in this collection, I kill a lot of them.

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