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Alyssa Drake

Day 16 - Amusing the Muse

Sometimes I can't explain why the music playing in the background is the genre my muse picks, however, today's station is Halloween music.

First, I had no idea there was a full station dedicated to Halloween songs. Second, I'm frightened by the number of songs to which I actually know the words. Third, I started adding song to the station because I wanted to hear them. You'd think I would be really great at naming that tune, but I'm terrible at remembering names (and yes, that can be a detriment when writing).

I created a condensed character bible for easy reference when writing. It's organized by series, and then by book, since my characters have a tendency to pop up in each other's stories.

Wednesday finds me one-third of the way through my realignment edit of the historical co-write. That's not where I'd like to be, but tomorrow is another day.

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