You'd think by now I would stop using the words "quick edit" because every time I think that, it turns into a project. Deep breath.
My steamy historical short story, An Imperfect Bargain, was originally written to be part of a pirate anthology of short stories. At the time the edits came back from the publisher of the set, my mother passed away. Instead of holding up the set, I approved her changes and allowed the story to be published without reading them. Since I have the rights, I decided to share this short story with everyone, but I wanted to do a quick readthrough.
As I dove in, I realized the story didn't sound like me. Since I'd accepted the edits without reading them, I had inadvertently allowed the editor to dull my voice. (insert mild curse word)
So, my one day project becomes two, because now I have to put myself back in. At least I don't have any haystacks to worry about.