I'm short.
That's not true, I'm actually quite tall, but the final chapter of my historical co-write is short.
Before you get out the pitchforks, let me clarify that further.
A standard chapter is anywhere between 2-4k words, my average is three thousand words, so a chapter that is 2,600 words* is short in my mind, but I have no desire to fluff the chapter, because I don't want the story to drag to it's end; I want to careen into it. So, I'm not changing anything (unless I have to fix an edit).
*(Like how I did that? Three different representations of number formats, each meaning thousand. Language is amazing.)
I'm leaving the past for Firefly Island tomorrow. I've got several projects in this world which are due before Halloween (whether I can pull this off remains to be seen, I can only do what I can do).